If you come to Dokshitsy you'll have a good chance to feel the atmosphere
of the old times visiting Intercession Church (1903), the wooden
Church of St John the Divine (1863), Trinity Church
(1994), the mill (1920), the mosque, the bakery, urban area, the country
estate of the Mikulski family (19th century) and many other sites.
One of the most famous places of Dokshitsy land is the Breakthrough Memorial
Complex built on the site where the Nazi blockade was broken by the partisans
of the Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone (7 kilometers away from Ushachi). The opening
ceremony was held on June 30, 1974. The authors of the memorial are famous sculptors
and architects A. Anikeychik, Yu. Gradov, and L. Levin.