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Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Туры в Белоруссию
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Grodno region

Grodno region

Grodno region is situated in the northwestern part of Belarus bordering on Poland in the west and Lithuania in the north. This land is rich in natural sites: the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, the unique Sorochanskiye Oziora Nature Reserve and many others. Grodno region is popular among tourists, both those, who like active recreation and those, who prefer educational tourism. This land can boast a highly developed level of travel business. Here you can find everything needed for a good recreation: architectural monuments, ancient towns, a lot of lakes, including picturesque Lake Svitiaz abundant in fish (pikes, ides, chubs, catfishes, breams, eels, perches and many others). Almost all the territory of the region is in the river Neman basin and its tributaries: the Berezina, Gavya, Ditva, Lebeda, Kotra, Usha, Servachi, Shchara, that is why Grodno region is often called Ponemanye. Tourists also visit the Augustow Canal.

Grodno land is the gem of Belarusian architecture, as it can boast numerous architectural ensembles of different styles and epochs, which narrate the complicated history of this region. Tourists are attracted by ancient Novogrudok, Slonim, Volkovysk, and beautiful Lida. Sts Peter and Paufs Church in Rozhanka Shchuchin Shchuchin history began on November 11, 1436 after the Roman-catholic church had been founded there. One of its founders was Trakai Voivode Petr Leliush; today the name of the village Leliushevtsy reminds of that person. At different times the owners of Shchuchin were families of the Kuchuk, Kiszka. Radziwill, Sirut, Yundil, and Davoina. Yet, Shchuchin became a true cultural and economic centre only after the Drutsky-Liubetsky family had got ownership of the town. Thanks to them, Shchuchin acquired St. As for the architectural monuments, there is an old gymnasium building (1821-1829), monuments to R. Traugut and K. Some park and farmstead complexes have the national status today. One of them, Stary Dvorets farmstead, known from 1478, has some fragments of a farmstead, a park and a garden once were owned by the Andzhei-kovich. The Yundils' house remained in Malaya Berestovitsa.


The urban settlement of Svisloch was first mentioned in the Hypatian Codex in 1256, when Isiaslav Svislochsky set out against the Yotvingians.

Today the urban settlement can boast its local history museum, Sts Peter and Paul's Church (1866), the Church of the Virgin of the Holy Assistance (1938), the monument to Yan Chechot. In Voroncha there is a picturesque park, a brewery building and St Anne's Church (1773). Some words need to be said about Mir. This settlement was first mentioned in 1395. Today this place is known for Mir Castle Complex, that was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000. The Chechots' House in the village of Podorosk (Volkovysk district) There has been created the so-called green route (Zelvienski Dyjarus), where Annensky Kirmash Trade Fair takes place annually. Hypatian Codex, there had already been a settlement by 1258. 54 monuments of history, 12 -of architecture and 11 - of archaeology tell us about the rich history of Zelva land.

This region is rich in amenities of nature. You can visit Medukhovo state natural reserve, Staroselsky regional hunting reserve and the Zelva reservoir with a picturesque landscape. The most famous monument of history and architecture is Synkovichi St Michael Church-Fortress which is unique in its style. The Holy Trinity Church is also popular among tourists. The Kalozha Church, remained extant in Grodno, is a monument of the Old Russian stone architecture. Guests of the city fascinated with architectural masterpieces walk the narrow medieval streets, dropping in numerous cafes and shops. Tourists are usually under the impression of visiting St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, the Old and New Castles, the unique synagogue, the History and Archaeology Museum, and many other sites.


Lida was granted the town status in the 15,H-16,H centuries. In 1323-1327 a castle was built at the confluence of the rivers Lideya and Murovanka. Later the castle suffered from the crusaders' attacks in 1384, 1392 and 1394: from the army of Yuri Sviatoslavo-vich in 1406 and Svidrigaila in The Church ot the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Lida Archangel Michaets Church in Belogruda 1433, from the Crimean Tatars' ag-gression in 1506 and the Ukrainian Cossacks attacks in 1655. Khan Tokhtamysh and Khan Hoci-Giray took refuge in Lida castle in 1396-1399 and 1434-1443 respectively. The wedding ceremony of Jagiello and Sofya Golshanskaya took place right in the castle in December, 1421. It is quite natural that Lida is a wonderful place for sightseeing.

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